Day 3 - Monday 24 May 2010 - Photos

Photos taken by Mark Dermul

On this page you’ll find loads of photos, categorized per location or activity. Simply click on the thumbnail for the full size photo and enjoy! When copying any of the photos, please be so kind as to provide a link to this website as the rights to the images belong to the respective Pioneers. Thanks!

Darth Maul's Lookout (Camel Head Rock / Angjemel)

Repro Haddada Set (Chott el Gharsa north)

Yardang Field (Chott el Gharsa north)

Mos Espa (Chott el Gharsa north)

Nefta (Star Wars shop)

Dune Sea (Chott el Gharsa south)

Lars Homestead Exterior (Chott el Gharsa south)